Douglas Elected SGA 总统

Posted on April 25, 2023

Amya Douglas一到十大彩票网投平台就通过第一年理事会参与了学生会. 作为一名大四学生,她将担任2023-2024年学生会协会主席. data-lightbox =“特色”
Amya Douglas通过第一年理事会参与了学生会 soon as she arrived at the University of 南 Alabama. As a senior, she will serve as 2023-2024 president of the Student Government Association.

Amya Douglas从小就在音乐剧中表演——从《十大彩票网投平台》到 去看《十大彩票平台官网》,并考虑离开墨西哥湾沿岸去学习戏剧 在大学.

然后,她去了十大彩票网投平台(University of 南 Alabama)进行招聘.

“我记得导游说了一些我永远不会忘记的话,”道格拉斯说 毕业于St. Martin High School in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. “她诚实地说, 我们的校园是如此年轻,当你加入任何组织,你都有机会 产生影响. 我们仍在发展,我们对新想法持开放态度,学生们也在玩 这是一个重要的角色.”

Douglas moved to Mobile, majored in 沟通, and became active in the First Year Council and the Student Government Association. In high school, she had served as student council president. 在南方,她想 to take advantage of her chance 产生影响.

她当选为SGA主席,并在本周的SGA宴会上宣誓就职. 她的新角色 was part of her plan from the beginning.

“Definitely,” Douglas said with a broad smile. “It was a huge ambition of mine. In the end, I was unopposed, which was disappointing. I’ve very competitive, so I wanted 竞选.”

即将离任的学生会主席卡米尔·博努拉深知这一点 她的继任者. 她 remembers Douglas wanting to shadow her as she went about 她的公务. No one had ever asked her that before.

“Only Amya,” Bonura said, laughing. “I was surprised, but not surprised. 我看过 她与参议院和学生团体的互动方式. 我认识她 wanted to become SGA 总统. I thought she’d be in this seat one day.”

Dina Holland, principal of St. Martin High School, never doubted that Douglas would become a student leader at the University of 南 Alabama. 她看着她的向导 同学们一起度过了疫情期间最艰难的日子.

“从九年级踏入我们校园的第一天起,Amya就很了不起。” Holland说. “比她的年龄成熟. 专注于超越她的年龄. 当然了 most gorgeous smile – she lights up a room.”

Brooklyn to Ocean Springs

她的父母Eon和Petal Douglas来自南美洲的圭亚那. 在他们移民到美国后,他们的女儿出生在布鲁克林 the family moved to Mississippi when she was 2 years old.

Amya——发音为“uh-my-uh”——说话带有中性口音. 没有布鲁克林人或者 南方口音. No Caribbean lilt, either.

“只有在我真的生气的时候,但每次我这么做,我父母都会嘲笑我,”她说. “我过去常常和他们开玩笑,说他们是如何住在布鲁克林,最后却搬到了密西西比州. Looking back, I think that was a good idea. I enjoyed my upbringing, that’s for sure. We were right by the beach and near downtown.”

道格拉斯一家一直是五旬节派教会的活跃分子. COVID期间, Amya read the Bible, front to back, back to front. 在南, she leads a Bible study 集团.

“我妈妈说的一件事是……嗯,有两件事,”她说. “一、”祈祷 十大彩票网投平台它的.’ And two, ‘Be the head, not the tail.’”

In Ocean Springs, Douglas grew up in the arts community. 她 looked forward to the Peter Anderson Festival each year. 她 started painting and became active in musical 剧院.

“In elementary school, I was really shy,” she said. “I wanted something to pull me 走出我的躯壳.”


“我得到的最好的角色是一个我从来没有机会表演的角色,”她说. 是奥黛丽 在《十大彩票平台官网》(Little Shop of Horrors)中,但由于COVID,我们没有机会为观众做这件事.”


十大彩票网投平台,道格拉斯选择专注于该部的数字电影和电视制作 沟通的. 她曾在ESPN+制作团队担任摄像师 美洲虎足球比赛.

道格拉斯成为了 南强 student ambassador and joined the Green Jags environmental 集团. 她自愿 与 通过美国 program for students with intellectual disabilities.

在大二期间,她还在北京大学担任住校助理 杜鹃花宿舍.

“I was like an older sister to 47 first-year students,” she said. 他们会发短信 me at all hours of the night, mostly about their personal lives. 但我不能抱怨. I know it helped a lot of them. And I’ve stayed in touch with all of those students.”

她为SGA主席准备的竞选活动采用了“律政俏佳人”的配色方案. 她 printed up pink business cards. 她 wore three different pink outfits during her candidate video.

“人们说,‘你长得像《十大彩票网投平台》(legal Blonde)里的艾丽·伍兹(Elle Woods),’”她说. ”我说, ‘Thanks, that’s what I was going for.’”

作为SGA主席,道格拉斯希望与学生见面,并进行大量的公众宣传. 她还希望关注残疾学生的无障碍环境.

Douglas plans to graduate from 南 in May of 2024. Law school is one of her options. 她不确定是否会从事法律工作,但她认为自己会从事公共政策方面的工作 或者进入公共服务部门.

她喜欢与人交谈,倾听问题和回答问题. 这是 简单的部分. 坐着开完会没那么有趣,但她有一个秘密 保持锋利.

“I’m a question-asker,” Douglas said. “这是 what gets me through meetings. 我总是 对某事感兴趣.”


